This is every music video in India, I swear. I know this not because I've become some loathsome video addict, but because they're inescapable here. At least one-third of the television channels here are dedicated to music videos. Maybe more. Of the remaining channels, only a handful are in English, and those are mostly news channels (i.e., hopelessly boring unless reporting on celebrity shark attacks).
Having given up on television, I picked up a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the British edition. Now consider this: To go from British edition to the American edition, the publisher has paid someone to translate the book from English to, well, English. That's someone's job! Someone is getting paid to add dots behind every “Mr and Mrs” and to make sure characters ask for a pay raise instead of a pay rise. This must be someone's job because it's sure not the author doing it, and even if they have software to make most of the changes, I'm sure the publisher retains an expert in English-to-English translations to check behind the software. What an incredibly cush job. Who does this stuff and how much to they get paid?